This case study showcases the branding project for Kelly Johnson, a dedicated life coach known for her empowering guidance and motivational approach. The project involved designing a unique logo and creating business cards that reflect Sarah's commitment to confidence, trust, and professionalism in her coaching practice.

What I did:

Visual Identity
Logo Design

Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

The company sought a logo design for her life coaching business, aiming to create a visual identity that reflects the confidence, trust, and professionalism essential to her brand.

RGB: 15, 62, 74
CMYK: 93, 64, 52, 43
HEX: 0f3e4a
RGB: 53, 110, 143
CMYK: 83, 51, 29, 6
HEX: 356e8f
RGB: 187, 220, 231
CMYK: 25, 4, 6, 0
HEX: bbdce7
RGB: 243, 191, 25
CMYK: 5, 24, 100, 0
HEX: f3bf19


The heading font, Dutch 801RM BT Bold, was selected for its authoritative and confident appearance, ideal for headlines and important messages. This choice reflects the strong, guiding presence of a life coach, instilling trust and assurance in clients. For body text, Segoe UI Variable Regular was chosen for its readability and modern aesthetic. It presents information clearly, enhancing overall readability and ensuring clients can easily understand the content. This font's simplicity complements the boldness of the heading font, creating a balanced and professional typographic system that reinforces the reliability.

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