Bloom & Petal prides itself on being a premium floral brand. From tailor-made bouquets to meticulously designed event pieces, Bloom & Petals presents a handpicked collection of premium blooms, guaranteeing each creation embodies elegance and joy.

What I did:

Brand Stratagy
Visual Identity
Logo Design

Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects

The company sought a brand strategy to redefine its identity and market positioning. They also needed to establish a distinctive brand identity and effectively communicate their values and offerings to their target audience.


Bloom & Petals faced challenges with inconsistent branding and messaging, resulting in a fragmented brand image. This made it difficult for customers to understand their identity and set them apart from competitors.


I helped Bloom & Petals overcome its branding challenges by developing a comprehensive brand strategy. Working closely with their team, I clarified their core values and defined their target audience. Then, I crafted a cohesive visual identity and messaging framework that accurately represented their brand essence. By ensuring consistent branding across all channels, including their catalog, website, and social media, I helped Bloom & Petals effectively communicate their unique value proposition to their audience. This strategy strengthened their market presence, set them apart from competitors, and deepened connections with customers.


I started by creating line art drawings of various flowers, focusing on simplicity and elegance. Then, I carefully selected which flowers would complement each other best in terms of shape, size, and overall aesthetic. After choosing the perfect combination, I arranged them into a cohesive pattern, ensuring balance and harmony in the design. By repeating this pattern, I created a visually pleasing motif that could be applied to various surfaces, such as fabrics or stationery, adding a touch of sophistication and style.


Unlike many competitors, Bloom & Petals emphasizes not only the quality of their floral arrangements but also the personalized service they provide. So I want to make that stand out and clear, to differentiate them from their competitors, as many competitors may focus solely on the quality of their floral arrangements, neglecting the importance of personalized service and attention to detail.


I did thorough research on the floral industry and competitors to identify opportunities and challenges. Next, I collaborated with the Bloom & Petals team to define their core values, target audience, and brand positioning. Then, I developed a cohesive brand strategy encompassing visual identity, messaging, and customer experience. This involved creating a new logo and visual elements, designing a brochure, and crafting marketing materials.

RGB: 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90
HEX: 000000
RGB: 79, 89, 64
CMYK: 64, 47, 73, 35
HEX: 4f5940
RGB: 229, 220, 215
CMYK: 9, 11, 12, 0
HEX: e5dcd7
RGB: 216, 124, 143
CMYK: 13, 62, 28, 0
HEX: d87c8f
RGB: 202, 150, 71
CMYK: 0, 30, 75, 23
HEX: ca9647

Color Scheme

The color scheme for Bloom & Petals was chosen to reflect the brand’s elegance and connection to nature. The main color, a rich earthy tone (#4F5940), provides a stable base, while softer hues like #E5DCD7 and #CA9647 add warmth and vitality. Accent colors like #D87C8F and #000000 offer contrast and sophistication. This palette was selected to resonate with Bloom & Petals’ audience and convey their commitment to beauty and personalized service.


Gyst Variable Regular offers versatility and flexibility, allowing for dynamic adjustments in weight and width to suit various design needs. This adaptability mirrors Bloom & Petals’ commitment to creativity and personalized service, as it can effortlessly adapt to different applications while maintaining a cohesive visual identity. On the other hand, Acumin Pro Light brings a sense of elegance and sophistication with its clean lines and subtle curves.

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