Empathus is a personal brand for myself. It is the kind of brand that not only understands, but also connects with you on a deeper level. Empathus at its essence, embodies empathy and meticulous attention to detail. Each creation is a tool to narrate your story.

What I did:

Brand Strategy
Visual Identity
Logo Design

Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe InDesign
Adobe After Effects

I wanted a brand strategy and identity for myself that helped me define my design identity and marketing position. I needed to establish a distinctive brand identity to effectively communicate my values and offerings to my target audience.


I needed a guide to help build a brand identity that is easily recognizable throughout multiple platforms. I needed to truly define what my brand identity and core strategies are. This meant I needed to do a lot of introspection and research of the market to help my brand stand out.


By creating a clear brand guide, it helped me to maintain a consistent look and feel across all my design work. I defined things like logos, colors, fonts, and how to use images to make sure everything looks cohesive. This helps me build trust with my clients and makes my brand look more professional and trustworthy. I did some research, and a lot of deep thinking about what truly makes Empathus unique, so every design decision reflects that. Having this guide makes it easier to communicate with clients and collaborators, keeping us all on the same page.


When looking for inspiration for my design aesthetic, I looked for a collection of visuals that resonated with me. From this collection, I then singled out seven favorites, each reflecting elements that I admired. Then I looked for some common trends that I thought represented my style and aesthetic well. Coming up with a nice list I boiled it down to 5 words: aesthetic, minimal, creative, professional, fun. these words helped me shape the look and feel of my brand, Empathus, and guide my design decision-making. Thus ensuring I remain consistent with my work.

Visionary behind the brand:

The name "Empathus" comes from two key components: empathy and attentus (Latin for "attentive to detail"). This blend captures the essence of my brand. By combining empathy with a sharp eye for detail, Empathus is a brand that not only understands but also connects with you on a deeper level. It symbolizes the commitment to step into your shoes, comprehend your needs, preferences, and aspirations, and help you connect with your audience. I believe that design is more than just creating cool stuff—although that is my favorite aspect. It's also a way to tell a story and evoke emotion. My goal is to create compelling narratives that not only captivate but also inspire, leaving a lasting impact on the world.

Logo Design:

Creating the logo was quite a challenge. I looked through many variations and concepts before deciding on the current one. From the start, I knew I wanted a pen tip in the logo. Interestingly enough, this design was one of the first concepts I thought up, but I was initially skeptical because I thought it was too simple. However, after exploring many other ideas, I realized I preferred a simpler design. I chose this logo because it surprises you: whether you notice the pen tip or the 'E' and 'D' first, there's always a delightful moment of discovery. This thoughtful design encapsulates the deeper meaning behind the brand—empathy and attention to detail.

RGB: 60, 58, 69
CMYK: 72, 68, 52, 45
HEX: 3c3a45
RGB: 140, 157, 173
CMYK: 48, 32, 24, .02
HEX: 8c9dad
RGB: 249, 232, 228
CMYK: 2, 9, 7, 0
HEX: f9e8e4
RGB: 215, 202, 136
CMYK: 17, 15, 55, 0
HEX: d7ca88
RGB: 159, 174, 139
CMYK: 41, 22, 52, 0
HEX: 9fae8b

Color Scheme

Ensuring a consistent color scheme is a very important part of my brand identity. The consistent use of colors not only reinforces the consistency of my brand but also serves a psychological purpose by communicating certain feelings to my audience.  Each color in my palette – sage green, gold, neutral tones, blush, dusty blue, and charcoal – is carefully chosen to evoke certain feelings and convey the essence of my brand. By consistently using these colors across all brand materials and communication channels, I ensure that my brand’s visual identity stays cohesive and memorable, leaving a lasting impression on my audience.


My font choice for headings is Campaign Serif. Serif fonts often convey a sense of elegance and authority, and they are easier to read in larger texts as they guide your eyes along the lines. This font is characterized by slightly rounded edges giving it a balanced structure and pleasant look. Overall, Campaign Serif brings a sense of charm and professionalism, which aligns with my brand. My font choice for the body text is Campaign. It is simple and clean, making it easier to read. It also has a modern and friendly feel. This font gives off a welcoming and approachable feel and also ensures a clear and comfortable reading experience.

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