Apex Forge is a premium lifestyle brand that specializes in creating high-performance tools and gear designed to empower individuals across various industries and pursuits.

What I did:

Brand Stratagy
Visual Identity
Logo Design

Programs used:

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe After Effects

The company sought a brand strategy for its masculine line that not only aligns with its core beliefs and values but also strengthens its overall identity and purpose.


Apex 4Rge was struggling to establish a cohesive brand strategy for its masculine line that accurately represented its core values and bolstered its overall identity and purpose. They needed my help to address this challenge.


In crafting a brand strategy for Apex Forge’s masculine line, I started by researching their brand to capture their essence: power, precision, and performance. With their target audience being driven, ambitious men aged 25-45, I aimed for a design that radiates confidence and sophistication while still being clear and strong. I chose symbols like triangles and sharper points for their association with strength and stability, along with an eagle to symbolize power and freedom. I used clean and bold typography to further emphasize the brand’s commitment to strength and quality.


I created a custom mockup of Apex Forge’s business cards by carefully selecting an image that matched the brand’s vibe. After some searching, I used Photoshop to blend the business card into the scene, aiming for a seamless and professional look that reflects Apex Forge’s identity.


I also examined competitors in the tools and gear industry to help identify strategies for setting Apex Forge apart from its competitors. Competitors’ branding and messaging often lack the distinctiveness and resonance found in Apex 4rge's approach. Additionally, while some competitors may focus solely on affordability, Apex Forge maintains a competitive pricing strategy without compromising on quality, positioning itself as a premium yet accessible option.


I created sketches to create various design concepts experimenting with typography, and symbols, to effectively communicate the brand’s essence. These sketches were then refined and narrowed down through feedback and iteration before moving on to digital design. Alongside this, I gathered inspiration from various sources to figure out the visual direction of the brand. All of this research and exploration laid the foundation for the final brand strategy and design execution.

RGB: 0, 0, 0
CMYK: 75, 68, 67, 90
HEX: 000000
RGB: 37, 52, 77
CMYK: 89, 76, 45, 41
HEX: 25344d
RGB: 255, 255, 255
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
HEX: ffffff
RGB: 230, 231, 232
CMYK: 8, 6, 6, 0
HEX: e6e7e8
RGB: 207, 175, 116
CMYK: 18, 29, 62, .2
HEX: cfaf75

Color Scheme

When choosing the colors for Apex Forge, I did some research to ensure that the color palette conveys the brand's essence of strength, precision, and performance. The primary color #25344d was chosen for its rich hue,  and deep bold tone giving off a sense of strength and reliability, with a bit of sophistication.  The rest of the colors in the color scheme help provide a clean and modern feel, giving a cohesive and harmonious feel to the overall design.


Eurostile extended black has a bold and assertive appearance, giving a sense of confidence and command which aligns with Apex’s Forge commitment to excellence. This typeface serves as the primary font for headlines and key messaging, allowing the brand to make a bold statement and leave a lasting impression. Complementing this, Eurostile Regular offers a clean and modern aesthetic, ideal for body text and secondary information.

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